-21 June 2011 At 7:29 AM
Afew days ago, I went to china town with mum for yum cha hi-tea buffet. I am a tim sum fan. So I enjoy very much there, was so bloated after so little food we order. That was the only regret, y did I not so hungry when I am there. The price for it was 23 dollar per person. Quite ok ar. Not that bad. U can Xiao long bao all day long.
After that was nua ing at home again, as usual we have our regular mj session during weekends. Lost quite abit well. Losing sure feel sux. I am hoping there will be next week of mj that I can revenge lol.
As for Sunday. I went to Bball after 2 hours of slp. I slp at 6+am and wake at 8+am. I soon feel the side effect of sleeping such a short period. Reached the court and the sun was scorching hot. Played a few 4 on 4 and I am down. I am damn tired. My psychical is going low low low. Just playing for 2 hours I feel like dog. As tired as dog. Straight at 2 hour point of Bballing. I am officially down. I dun even wan to move. I think Nua ing at home too long contribute to this easy tiredness. It was so bad that I dun even wan to move to eat my lunch. I even feel like taking a cab home. But think of I lost at mj at sat. It better I took a bus. Never felt this tired before. Maybe is Lao Liao?
As for today, Monday. I am on my way to bishan to work. Yes WORK lol. Work as? As a street survey person. I think today I going to see all kind of diff people in sg. And I going to be rejected hell lots of times today. Lol. Good as I am off my nua position and start to gain some nice experience of communicating with people. Please be nice to me pple. =)
With this I end my post. Wish me luck..
Dan. *every1 is going to hurt u. It's just which 1 is worth the most.