-02 October 2009 At 6:01 PM
FridaywOO wake at 4 plus again.
i really can slp lolZz. slowly pack
all my stuff in to my bag. and now i
am ready for KOREA.
will not post for 7days. ciaos.
*fly fly and away!!!!
-01 October 2009 At 5:46 PM
Wed and thursdaywas at home preparing for the Korean trip.
wed went to hougang mall with dad to
get our swimming shorts. and we had our
dinner at 327 eating chili crab.
after that its home sweet home to watch
the new 9pm show.
and for today i slept to 5pm then wake
and shit i haven't pack my bag. tml
going to fly liao. now my bag still
empty de jialat.
think its time to pack now.
oh ya should i get myself a ps3
its quite ok leh. compare to Wii

alot shop selling ranging
just 468-485 the price. mMm
should consider abt it after my trip
that all for now. DOTA DOTA
*update at 12.58am
just pack my bag, but not done with it yet
pack all my clothes in. i really grow
too BIG liao. so many shirt wear like look
so strange. i think sch reopen should be
slimming down time. since for the first few week
i assume i will be alone, should have time for
running swimming or bball.
oh ya i think i nv really say where i going
i am going to KOREA. 7 day trip with my
family. i will be going at 2nd of oct and back
at 9th of oct, night time i think.

Korea here i come!!!
*Don't just dare to dream, dare to live your dreams.
-29 September 2009 At 4:22 PM
Monday and Tuesdaythis 2 day was at home resting.
dunno y once overnight whole body
become very weak. keep slp at home.
was checking up game console recently
and thinking to buy which set.
i am interested in PS3 and Wii

-Cost abt 512(local set)
-more on single player kind
-but quite less rpg game

-cos abt 700(plus wii fit local set)
(cfm will get import set which only cost 400)
-more on muti-player
-all pple advice me to get ps3 than wii
been thinking abt it, to get which 1
tml will make my way down to hougang mall
and ask for the price. they say
its quite cheap there.
that all for now
dAn *
Failure is a path to success; so don't give up, just move on with firm determination.
-28 September 2009 At 6:54 PM
Sundaywake up late and was dota-ing all the way
until kok ask me to meet for dinner.
was going to jacq outlet but she wasn't
working, and get to know she was outside
so we met her at tamp to have dinner.
quite last min, so we all rushed down.

had sakae with jacq and kok.
ordered lots of foods. we will so damn full
we managed to finish everything.
even eat finish the fried ice-cream
we stay toking there, and the table was cleared.
after that got plates and fork serve by
the crew. my first reaction was
"omg some more food... i was die liao"
but in de end i turn its was a cake and
the crew is lighting the candles.
Wah touched touched, thanx kok and jacq

the cake that they brought.

Me shy-ed there.

act cut the cake.
all of us was so full, so i cut
1 very small piece of the cake and
we 3 share lolzZz.
after that chatted some more, dig lots
of gossip and lots of catching up.
we send jacq to bus stop, and we decided
to play mj, haha also last min.
me kok zhong and kok's friend
went to zhong hus to mj.
was qute numb this few days. keep losing
money at mj. dunno y so suay.
but at zhong hus, at first i tot
its going to be the same. as i lost
near 30 plus dollar. but lucky at
the later part of the game. i make a
come back and won 30 dollar. haha
twist of luck liao FINALLY!!!!!!
kk that all for sunday.
dAn *
Make good memories today, so in the future you'll have a good past.
-27 September 2009 At 10:11 AM
satset my alarm at 7.30 to play bball
with derick and his friends at bedok.
but i receive a sms at 7.15 say its cancel
heng ar if not i go out then saw ar. cfm GG
k nvm so back to slp some more. wake at 1
and off we go to ikea with mama, kor and joy.
shop around, for display set and curtain.
quite enjoy sia. walking around see see look look
after that we had lunch there. wOO!! meatball
and chicken wings!! SEX~~~~

that mama, bro and joy.

dunno y ikea is just so nice to walk lolZz.
and off we go to explore giant and courts.
shop shop around. brought lots of stuff back
reached home near 9 plus.
we shop like more than 6 hrs there, at all
the 3 mega store. WOW time just passes so
fast when u enjoying it.
back home. waiting lin them de call
and off i go to lin hus for mj again.
this is the 5 round of MJ
and i still lose 30 dollar today.
WTB. i really emitting suayness aura
u all better dun come close me sia.
i been losing ever since i start playing
at lin hus.
wasn't in a great mood after mj.
my hands card was like shit seriously
every round there 7-8 card of 13 wonders
2 eye. 2 set of can makan de(e.g 56, 78)
how to play sia. -_- play to quite emo.
only hoping the suffering faster over lolZz
kk now at home its slping time
super tired, heng tml nth on can slp
to SHOIK lolZz pity those need to work
tml. tml will be F1. better dun go out.
that all.
*first day using my mp3, and i loving it.